For Our Children – The Illustrative World of Helene Magisson

This blog originally appeared on Magic Fish Dreaming.  Visit the blog to read other interesting posts about the project. Join the facebook page or blog to be informed about the kickstarter. Helene Magisson is a Children’s book illustrator, who graduated from the painting restoration school “Art et Avenir”, Paris (France). She was also trained in theContinue reading “For Our Children – The Illustrative World of Helene Magisson”

Brisbane’s Hogswatch in July

On the weekend the family headed off to our First Hogswatch in July.  What’s that I hear you ask? It’s an annual festive village fair run by Brisbane Arts Theatre (since 2013) based upon the Discword novels  of Terry Pratchett. This year they used the Pozible Platform to raise some funds to hire a pettingContinue reading “Brisbane’s Hogswatch in July”

Sneak Peek of the Teacher Notes: Magic Fish Dreaming

Originally posted on Magic Fish Dreaming:
Green Tree Frog – one of the many creatures mentioned in Magic Fish Dreaming DRAFT SAMPLE Suggested Activities Magic Fish Dreaming enhances the study of the natural world, encourages the exploration of poetry techniques,  inspires movement and acting and interests its readers in specific animals and habitat including, the…